The Edgy Veg

club sandwich vegan recipe

Club Sandwich (Vegan Recipe)I’m going to show you how to make an easy club sandwich vegan recipe! This club sandwich uses 8 vegan ingredients & takes 5 mins to make!

All you got to do is layer up your triple-decker sandwich with ingredients & enjoy with chips or fries on the side!

Related Recipe: Grilled Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich

Vegan Club SandwichVegan Club Sandwich Recipe


This is my formal invitation to you to join the club! The vegan club sandwich club! Your membership includes a sandwich with 3 slices of toast, vegan bacon, vegan “chicken” and plant-based cheese, cut into triangles and served with chips.  

For this recipe, use your favourite store-bought vegan bacon (or you can make my popular vegan bacon recipe) and plant-based turkey/chicken slices of choice or you can make my vegan chicken pieces recipe using soy curls  🙂

Related Recipe: Vegan BLT



Full recipe down below!

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Vegan Club Sandwich
Prep time
Total time
I'm going to show you how to make an easy club sandwich vegan recipe! This club sandwich uses 8 vegan ingredients & takes 5 mins to make!
Recipe type: Main
Cuisine: Vegan
Serves: 1 sandwich
  1. Toast all 3 sandwich slices until golden.
  2. Spread a thin layer of butter on one side of 2 slices and spread vegan mayo mayo on the other side of one buttered slice as well as mayo on the last slice of bread. You should end up with 1 slice buttered, 1 slice buttered on one side with mayo on the other, and 1 slice with just mayo.
  3. Lay the first buttered slice of bread down with butter facing up and top with lettuce and tomato. Season with salt and pepper.
  4. Then add you mayo and buttered slice of bread, mayo facing down on top of tomatoes.
  5. Add vegan bacon slices on top of the buttered side.
  6. Top with vegan cheddar cheese and cooked vegan turkey/chicken pieces.
  7. Add the last slice with mayo on top of the sandwich, mayo side down.
  8. Secure with toothpicks and cut into triangles.
  9. Serve with chips or fries.
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 1 sandwich Calories: 854 Fat: 47g Carbohydrates: 74g Sugar: 11g Fiber: 6.3g Protein: 26g

Vegan club sandwich edgy veg recipe

Hey I’m Candice aka The Edgy Veg – I veganize popular food recipes for vegans, plant-based diets, eco-conscious eaters & people who are trying to eat more plants over… y’know animals or their by-products. I hope you enjoy this tasty vegan recipe!

Looking For More Vegan Sandwich Recipes?

Made this recipe? Let me know what you think by leaving a ★★★★★ star rating & comment below. It truly helps me & I really appreciate any support! Feel free to share your food photos on social and tag me @edgyveg so I don’t miss it! 

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  • Great!

  • Nicole says:

    I love this with vegan turkey slices and a **** ton of mustard. I saw your YouTube video and I agree sandwiches are a perfect food. <3 <3

  • Decided to try this for dinner tonight and omg I forgot how much I miss a club house. I had store bought bacon (fried that up) as well as gardein chick’n pieces. Assembled within minutes with vegan mayo definitely making this when parents come over


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