The Edgy Veg

Carrot Bacon Recipe

Carrot BaconCarrot Bacon? That’s right! Healthy carrots turned into vegan bacon using my new rice paper bacon marinade! This carrot bacon recipe can be made in under 30 minutes and is a healthier alternative to bacon!

For years, I’ve been making vegan bacon substitutes out of many different veggies and fruit! From my popular rice paper bacon recipe to all the vegan bacon recipes in my cookbook (eggplant bacon, mushroom bacon, and coconut bacon!)Tasty carrot bacon

I’m now excited to share my method for cooking carrot bacon! I was first inspired to make this recipe from one of Tabitha Brown’s TikTok videos. Tabitha Brown is sometimes known as the mom of TikTok. Her calming and supportive demeanor perfectly accompanies her healthy, easy, whole foods plant-based recipes. So using the carrot idea, I tweaked my popular bacon marinade for this carrot bacon recipe.

Related Recipe: Rice Paper Bacon



Carrots are healthy for you, so why not make carrot bacon for your next BLT or even with my vegan scrambled eggs! This easy, crispy, salty carrot bacon is easy and can be made using ingredients you probably have in your fridge. I used my rice paper bacon marinade with some new tweaks I’ve been experimenting with plus Tabitha’s concept to create my own version! Hope you enjoy it!Carrot Bacon Recipe




Edgy Veg Carrot Bacon Recipe


I originally made carrot bacon in the air fryer at 380F for 5 mins following Tabitha Brown but didn’t find it as crispy like I usually like it. The air fryer made the carrot bacon crispy on the outside and softer on the inside. Depending on your specific air fryer, results may vary as I found out. However, I recommend trying to flip halfway through your chosen cook time.

For my method, I recommend air frying your carrot bacon at 350F instead for 10 mins. Lower temperature but longer time dries out the moisture making it extra crispy.

Some pieces will still look like carrot slices, but some pieces will look like crispy bacon. No matter what it looks like, the taste is unbelievably good. Again, it’s a healthy carrot with a marinade that helps it taste like bacon.

If you want crispy carrot bacon, you could try adding salt to the sliced carrot to dry out the moisture as well so that it becomes crispier faster.

Related Recipe: Vegan BLT Sandwich

4.8 from 9 reviews
Carrot Bacon Recipe
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
That's right! Carrot Bacon! Carrots turned into vegan bacon using my new rice paper bacon marinade! This carrot bacon recipe can be made in under 30 minutes!
Recipe type: Breakfast
Cuisine: Vegan
Serves: 2 cups
  1. In a blender or medium-sized bowl, whisk together soy sauce, olive oil, maple syrup, tahini, paprika, garlic powder, pepper and liquid smoke. Set aside the mixture in a bowl.
  2. Use a vegetable peeler, and peel the carrot from end to end, to create bacon-like strips.
  3. Add the strips to the bowl with the marinade, and allow to marinate for at least 15 mins. The longer the better.
To cook in an air fryer: In batches cook at 350F for 10 mins.
To cook in an oven: Preheat oven to 400F. Bake carrots on a lined baking sheet for 10-15 minutes flipping halfway through. Depending on your oven, definitely check on them every 5 mins incase they start to burn or be too well done. The best would be to do them in an airfryer but wanted to give you an oven option as well.
Nutrition Information
Serving size: ½ cup Calories: 114 Fat: 9g Carbohydrates: 5.75g Sugar: 3.25g Sodium: 687mg Fiber: 1.6g Protein: 2.2g


I’m Candice & welcome to The Edgy Veg! I veganize popular food recipes for vegans, plant-based diets, eco-conscious eaters & people who are trying to eat more plants over… y’know animals or by-products of animals. I hope you enjoy this tasty vegan recipe!

Looking For More Vegan Breakfast Recipes?

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  • Jessica says:

    This recipe is phenomenal! To make bacon bits, simply chop the carrots and lower the temp to 350 and bake for around 15-20 minutes depending on coarseness.

  • I have been using this sauce for nearly every vegetable & rice dish for about 10 months. We also add it to already prepared (packaged) meals occasionally. It’s that delicious for me & my hub.

  • This recipe is BOMB! For some reason I completely missed seeing the soy sauce- and replaced garlic powder with garlic salt…came out so good! I wasn’t expecting bacon but I can attest that I didn’t miss it! It’s savory just like bacon without all the guilt! Loved it; thank you! 🙂

  • Regan Olson says:

    Hi! I’m new to veganism. Can carrot bacon be stored in the fridge for however many days?

  • I made this yesterday. Just leave it in a couple extra minutes and boom crispy “bacon” . Loved it. Thank you

  • Michelle says:

    I have tried cooking carrot bacon about 5 times, once with this recipe. Tried in air fryer, blew all over the place and in the oven. Still not crispy unless I burned it. What in the world am I doing wrong? Now the flavor was good, so once I get the crispy, I’ll be a happy camper.

  • My faux bacon turned out pretty well! I cut the carrots by hand, so they weren’t as thin or uniform si would have liked, but I marinated them overnight in a (reusable) zip closure bag. This morning, I air fried them without issue, even getting the 7- year old’s approval.

  • Greg largent says:

    Wonder if this would work on othe veggies. Maybe soak Brussel sprouts in init

  • Emily English says:

    After quite a few attempts it tastes very yummy but flew all around the air fryer. Not sure if I cut them too thin (I only had a thinner peeler) or it’s just my type of air fryer but it also ended up completely burning the first batch and I ended up with black wadded up carrots lol. I did a few more batches at the same temp but shorter amount of time and definitely not as crispy but not burnt. Might try them in the oven or frying them next time.

  • Just made this tonight. I had been craving a vegan BLT lately, and finally had all the ingredients I needed. I baked them in my cast iron skillet. Although it made for small batches, it worked nicely. Made some good BLTs! And I used the remaining marinade on a sliced up carrot. After marinating, I cooked it with the lid on my cast iron skillet. Very Yummy!

    • Just a follow up. I made this recipe a few times now. I found that making the marinade in a mason jar works great. You can shake up the ingredients to mix. And then shake to coat the carrot slices. And it works well to keep any remaining marinade in the fridge for a few days for you next batch.

  • Adrea Gurth says:

    I made this and loved it! My strips did not get super crispy but on toasty bread with crisp lettuce and a fresh hard tomato it was delightful. Of course it doesn’t taste like bacon- it isn’t bacon. But it has that smoky sweet flavor that One might want from bacon. This was so much better than meat substitutes that are full of ingredients you can’t pronounce.

  • Claire Depret says:

    My carrots just shrunk in the oven, there were like 5mm wide… and not crispy 🙁

  • Cornelia says:

    I marinated for a few hours! I used a reduced-sodium tamari because 3 tbsp of sodium seems like a lot lol Turned out tasty with low-sodium and highly recommend. The kids thought it was fun to make! I definitely prefer your Rice Paper Bacon Candice! This was a fun novelty. Hands down, your rice paper bacon recipe is still the best vegan bacon I’ve ever had and everyone needs to try it!

  • I was super excited to try this today but I have to say I am a bit disappointed. Probably my oven but both batches I made were too well done and in, the end result, the carrot bacon was bitter and did not resemble bacon in taste or texture. Any idea what we be causing the bitterness?

    • EdgyVeg says:

      Being overcooked may lead to bitterness. Perhaps try letting the marinade sit longer on the carrots and watching them closely to ensure they don’t burn

  • Irene says:

    I dont have liquid smoke but do have in hand smoked paprika, would this be ok? If so whats the measurement?

    • EdgyVeg says:

      about a 1/2 teaspoon of smoked paprika should be enough to give you a smokey flavour to your carrot bacon

    • Audrey Thompson says:

      Hi I really want to make bacon the first bvn two time no no but iam still trying can you fry it if so how please tell thanks

  • Tracey Fortier says:

    Sounds delicious

  • Cathy Ory says:

    I would like to prepare this, but am concerned that the strips of carrot are too light and will start flying around inside the air fryer, getting sauce on the heating element. Did this happen to you at all?

    • EdgyVeg says:

      I did not have a problem with sauce splatter

      • Cindy says:

        I tried this today, it was quite salty. Maybe using gluten free soy sauce makes a difference. But it has potential! Will try again with less soy sauce.

  • This recipe looks great! Would marinating the bacon overnight work?


    • EdgyVeg says:

      Marinating for a few hours may make the flavour better, but I fear that marinating overnight may risk the texture of the carrots getting softer and less crispy


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